Doing our bit to keep New Zealand HUMMING

We’ve sponsored a beehive

  • Working hard over summer

    Our hive is healthy and strong, sited in Pleasant Valley for the summer.

  • Prepare for winter

    As winter approaches, our beehive is well-prepared to weather the cold months.

  • beehive

    Let it flourish

    The hive is set for another summer, the apiarist has been busying setting the bees up for success.

  • Extract It

    The honey has been removed, the hive has been treated for Varroa Mites and inspected for disease.

    Photo by Art Rachen on Unsplash

  • Photo by Aaron Burden

    Maintain It

    The hive is growing - bees are busy making honey and the queen continues to lay eggs.

    Photo by Aaron Burden, found on Unsplash

  • Teal branded beehive

    Nurture it.

    The hive has been moved to its summer location; the Queen is busy laying thousands of eggs a day!

  • Populate it.

    Our beehive now has bees!

    Just like a business, our beehive needs workers. Our workers have arrived and we're looking forward to hearing how well they settle in.

    We'll keep you posted on how they fare over the summer months.

  • Build it.

    It all begins with a strong foundation. Quality materials and quality workmanship.

    Just like a well-constructed beehive, your business systems need a quality foundation. We create custom business apps built on Microsoft’s Power Platform.

    Let’s get your business humming.

  • Dream it.

    We’ve partnered with The Beekeeper’s Daughters, based locally here in Geraldine, to sponsor a Beehive.

    Bees play a crucial role in the environment and we’re excited to do our bit to keep NZ humming.

    Over the next few months we’ll keep you updated on the health of our hive.